Kim Newman

 Kim Newman 's Books

A very well recieved series by Kim Newman are the books, featuring tropes. The most popular books are The Bloody Red Baron, Anno Dracula, Dracula Cha Cha Cha, Anno Dracula 1999, Moriarty: The Hound of the D'Urbervilles, Angels of Music, The Man From the Diogenes Club, Professor Moriarty: The Hound Of The D’urbervilles, The Night Mayor, Back in the USSA, Jago, Gaslight Arcanum: Uncanny Tales of Sherlock Holmes, The Quorum, Anno Dracula 1899 and Other Stories, Life's Lottery, The Secrets of Drearcliff Grange School, Anno Dracula ad-1, The Bloody Red Baron: 1918 ad-2, An English Ghost Story, The Haunting of Drearcliff Grange School, The Other Side of Midnight, Bad Dreams, Anno Dracula--One Thousand Monsters, The Hound Of The D’urbervilles, The Bloody Red Baron: Anno Dracula 1918, which was published in 2022.